Stress Eliminator, Version 1.1 Copyright (C) 1994, Marvin E. Wilborne III Requirements: VBRUN300.DLL in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. WaveAudio capabilities, such as those normally provided by a sound card or by a PC Speaker Driver. Usage: Install the program into any directory. Make sure the Eliminator icon property has as the working directory the location of the supplied .WAV files. If you have sounds you would rather use, rename the supplied files as .old or .bak (if you would like to keep them) and put your new file in its place (i.e. give it the same name as the file supplied that you are replacing). This program is ShareWare but it doesn't have any nasty shareware notices in the program. So, if you like this program, please send $2.00, check or money order in U.S. funds to: Marvin E. Wilborne III Route 5, Box 1476, #5 Danville, VA 24540 Version History: 1.1 March 1994 No longer requires MCI.VBX--works with PC Speaker Drivers 1.0 January 1994 Initial Release